Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Refreshing rain

I was walking down an urban street; the weather had been quite dry, which is quite usual in Essex. It had however rained a short shower overnight. The pavements were dry and it was a fresh and breezy morning. I noticed a small Robin, he was slender bodied with a bright rosy-feathered chest. There was a large hole in a driveway, in front of a group of houses; probably the gravel had been dug out by cars manoeuvring in and out. The hole was filled with rainwater, and the little bird was dipping his beak, and then snapping his little beak together, with the joy of swallowing the purest of water. It was early. Nothing had stirred up any mud; it was pure, just as it had fallen from the sky. I imagined that the bird had roosted in the hedge close by. It would have had no idea that such a wonderfully clean and pure drink of water would be provided for him the next day.

Revelation 22:1-2
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit every month. And the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.

He was enjoying it so much; I was even able to pass close by, with a little dog leading me past him. So intent was the Robin on enjoying his sweet tasting water.
I thought about the gifts God gives to us. But in those darkest times, through grief, our own illness, or the illness of our loved ones; in the times that we feel alone, or that the future once lived in hope is gone; masked by inexplicable events that we have no control over: in our darkest times, we dare to wonder, 'Why has God allowed this to happen?' Hard as it is to understand, God does not punish us in this way. Without enduring testing times, we could live our lives without any reference to God. It is Man's own ego and self reliance that is the counterbalance, between enjoying a loving and trusting relationship with God or living a life without hope. If we did not have material resources we would not have the same decision- making power, over our own destiny, quite often. I have worked with a community of people in Africa, in an orphanage, where the worship and praise for Jesus, would make the hairs on your neck stand on end. There would be a sweep of emotion, as a wave of the Holy Spirit brushed past as we sang, sometimes in different languages; A collection of people from the four corners of the earth united in heart-felt praise. The westerners were humbled by the faith of those who materially, were very poor. Their faith was strong because even their smallest needs were offered in prayer. They knew how to share in everything. In fact I felt that though we brought them material gifts, these were mere frivolities that could not distract them from the love that they shared for one another, both staff and the young people whom they cared for. The most precious thing they had was an unspoken, mutual respect for each other; a closeness that transcended the circumstances they had suffered previously. Before becoming part of that community, many had suffered unspeakable hardship. Their reliance on a loving Jesus for their future was almost tangible.

Isaiah 12:2-3
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

So you see without the metaphorical rain in your life, you could not begin to appreciate the sun; the times when you enjoy prosperity and contentment. God knows our every need, even the ones we may not realise ourselves. Can a time of misfortune bring us closer to God? Sometimes it can, but only when, by an act of will, when we turn to Him in prayer. It is always a partnership you see.
Just as God provided a drink of pure, sweet-tasting water for that little robin, on that particular morning so He will also provide pools of refreshment in your life, even in those situations that are burdening you.

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