Sunday, 29 May 2011

Fire walks

Fire walks with God


Yes God can produce spikes of faith, when you feel an inner excitement, on hearing His voice, with certainty; seeing that the unfolding events, were ordained by His grace.
In my case I feel more than blessed than most, as I have time to spare: gardening and taking a little dog for walks.
Whilst walking, I try to observe all my natural surroundings, the weather, the flora and fauna and the silence, away from manmade distractions. I try to discern what God is showing me. My heart rejoices, in the marvels of Nature. Afterwards, I look to scripture, to find out how it may resound with a parallel truth. His word, fills my conscious thoughts, so much, that like the roots of a pot-bound plant, my thoughts realise that they have found a new home, in fresh compost, generously watered, with even more room to expand. It strengthens my inner being, with health, peace and steadfastness; then like a repotted plant, I feel rejuvenated!

I hope for anyone who happens to read what I have written, that they may feel blessed in the same way; instead of just my fire walk with God, it would be like the whole box of fireworks going off at once!

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