Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Etched into the Heart


On my walk through the woods, there is a newly chopped tree. It has a fascinating pattern of rings in its cross-section. What I find most interesting is that there is another pattern etched over the top. Some blacker, thinner, rings not smooth and regular looking; more like they were drawn by someone with a black pen, all raggedy, perhaps reminiscent of a heart trace monitor, but nevertheless forming an interesting geometric etching. It is an older tree, and the roots have loosened to such a degree, that the tree fell naturally. The company maintaining the woods, had chopped the trunk into logs, and then placed the tree stump upright again. 
I sometimes take the time to consider the world around me, at this very spot and use it as a seat, as it is about the halfway point of a journey that takes an hour and 15 minutes to walk. And yes, I did check the cross section of the logs, to see if the same pattern occurred. Sure enough, each piece was all indelibly and identically marked. 
You see trees carry their life history; if there was drought, or flooding in some years then this irregular patterning shows. Experts may even identify which years. 
Then I thought about the indelible pattern etched within each person. Were there emotional traumas, experienced when very young? ; emotions that could not be verbalised or expressed? Then that mark is invisibly etched into the person's emotional life history. If you were unfairly blamed, or your conscience weighs heavy, having done wrong to someone else, these wounds etch themselves into your psyche or your soul. You can not move on from the negative emotion it causes, and they scar your spiritual growth. These hurts then become a trigger points, making people react to everyday circumstances in their own specific ways: with anger, spitefulness or causing a bouts of  moodiness, like black clouds, where feelings from old rejections surface again.
2 Corinthians 7:10
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.
One part of Life is true, in this respect, that everyone experiences these things, but individuals cope with them so differently, that these trigger points have the potential to cause lasting damage. Other trees in that forest did not have the black etched lines: even if similar in age. Perhaps the soil was more better drained, richer in compost, growing in a more favourable position. For us, our family is the soil that helps us to grow; we learn coping strategies from our closest relatives. Even so, we still need to have those dark streaks cleansed. The reactions conditioned into our thoughts and deeds, can only be erased by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable before a loving God. Imagine such a transforming experience on your life's journey! : to grow rather than be stunted. The tree I saw, died, its roots could not hold it upright; they could no longer provide sufficient water and food.
1Peter 3:23,24
When they hurled insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
John 15: 3,4
You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
Our stumbling blocks can cause us to sin in attitude; it's even harder if we were treated badly ourselves. But those inner strands running through our words and actions, like letters through rock - yes they can be rubbed out. This kind of healing is more important than being physically healed, for once we are set free, we can then be a blessing to others.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Fire walks

Fire walks with God


Yes God can produce spikes of faith, when you feel an inner excitement, on hearing His voice, with certainty; seeing that the unfolding events, were ordained by His grace.
In my case I feel more than blessed than most, as I have time to spare: gardening and taking a little dog for walks.
Whilst walking, I try to observe all my natural surroundings, the weather, the flora and fauna and the silence, away from manmade distractions. I try to discern what God is showing me. My heart rejoices, in the marvels of Nature. Afterwards, I look to scripture, to find out how it may resound with a parallel truth. His word, fills my conscious thoughts, so much, that like the roots of a pot-bound plant, my thoughts realise that they have found a new home, in fresh compost, generously watered, with even more room to expand. It strengthens my inner being, with health, peace and steadfastness; then like a repotted plant, I feel rejuvenated!

I hope for anyone who happens to read what I have written, that they may feel blessed in the same way; instead of just my fire walk with God, it would be like the whole box of fireworks going off at once!

The Ballon goes up!

The Balloon Goes Up!

The Lord is my strength and shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give Him thanks in song.

Lord even though may heart may feel down at times, help me to trust in You. We wander through life unprotected. The idea of a shield is perhaps quite a foreign concept. When we hear the news, or see disturbing images in the media, without the full protection of Christ on us, it may cause a slight wobble in the way we view Life and the world around us.
I was walking the fields and noticed a large balloon deflated; lying on the ground. Balloons often do fall down on open fields, on farm land. Where there are the least obstacles. In large open spaces, it is the unseen obstacles that ground them: stronger gusts and squalls buffet them, taking them higher suddenly, then lower. With each buffet, the pressure of the gases in their inner space, lessen. Imperceptibly, the balloon's resistance to outside forces becomes less and less. The force of the wind drops. The gas inside the balloon has become weighty, the rubber skin less taut: skimming trees and ground, it's boldness cannot prevail; then there is the inevitable tear of rubber, and crash to the ground. The balloon will often have a paper tag on it; at times unreadable because of rain or mud spatterings.
I think of the event that started that balloon's life. A whole community gathered in anticipation; thoughts of raising money for cancer, or some other good cause. The hope and excitement, of sharing the spirit of doing good together.
Are we like balloons starting a race? Some days we have a clear vision of where our life is going. We feel positive, we look up, face the world and all it has to throw at us. Yes, we actually feel buoyant. If your life was a balloon, what colour would it be? And who would be guiding it? Would it achieve the goal of fulfilling the hope with which you once filled it? Identify the places where you become vulnerable. A person whose comments and attitude will hurt you? A lack of energy and motivation? Is it food related? A situation in the past, that replays itself in your mind; is it a place where lies some unforgiveness? Is there a holding back? Thus causing an inability to surmount such an obstacle?
Whatever your personal answers, God knows them. May his overwhelming Love protect you on your journey today. Allow his strength to fill you. He follows your days like a protective cloud watching over you. If we spend time filling our thoughts with his Word daily, this is the shield that the rest of the world does not even perceive. We are forgiven. Each day is a new start. A better and more fulfilling journey: one that sees the vastness of the sky, new possibilities; with eyes raised heavenward - rather than the obstacles below. No time for a bible study before work? On those occasions, offer a couple of lines from a praise song that you know. Then feel your balloon rise higher in the sky!

Isaiah 44:22
I have swept away your offences like a cloud, your sins are like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you. Sing for joy, O heavens, for the Lord has done this: shout aloud, O earth beneath.

Psalm 139:7-10
Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the Dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

Also verse Psalm 139:23
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.